Hot Doctor Erotica Story Collection Read online

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  “Is it for seeing how much I can take inside me?” Katrina gave him a sultry look, her arousal completely negating her inhibitions.

  She reluctantly released his cock and allowed him to push her back down on the table again.

  Haydon grinned, placing his gigantic cock against the moist tenderness of her pussy lips, testing her virgin tightness. She gasped as the thick head pressed against her smooth vaginal entry.

  “It’s my first time… will it hurt much?” She looked searchingly into his eyes.

  “The physical I did on you, it was to inject an enhancer into you. It will dull the pain and heighten pleasure. You’re going to love this.”

  “Oh, I am.” She nodded. “I sure am.”

  “Here it comes,” He groaned and pushed himself into her in one smooth move.

  The foot long organ slid right in all the way to the hilt, rupturing her virginity and filling her with bliss. The drug had dulled her pain receptors and heightened her other senses. Katrina felt his thickness fill her up, sending all sorts electric impulses on an explosive trek all over her body.

  She gasped, burying her face into his chest, her teeth biting down on the hard muscularity. Her nails dug into his back and buttocks. She felt the friction inside her as his thick cock slid in and out with increasing speed.

  “Oh, Thor… Thor.” She whimpered. “I’m going crazy… oh, fuck me… fuck me hard.”

  “Wow, now that’s the kind of formality we like to have here.” Haydon grinned, slamming into her with more enthusiasm. “Pretty soon, baby, you’re going to pass this test and make it as a permanent resident medic here.”

  “Oh, yeah… I’m going… to… love that.” Katrina cried out as her body went into overdrive, making her second orgasm gush all over Haydon’s cock deep inside her.

  “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.” Haydon grunted. “You’re cumming all over me… that’s going to make me go too… uhhh.”

  She felt his grip tighten on her soft curves, his hips slammed in harder. His cock seemed to expand inside her and she knew he was going to cum. And he did. Hard and heavy, his ejaculation erupted inside her, making her head spin. The hot gush of liquid flowing inside as she herself came added to the pleasure threshold, making it explode, taking her on the ride of her life.

  “Oh, Thor… oh, I’m so… so…“ Katrina whimpered as the last throes on her orgasm ebbed. She clawed at his shoulders, kissing his neck and chin.

  “You were great, Kat.” Haydon patted her firm butt. “And you’re going to stay here for a long, long time.”

  “Body temperature unusually high.” Ava reported. “Signs of conception detected. Estimated time for gestation to mature, nine months.”

  Mmm... Who doesn't love a good romp!

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  If you’d like to read another sex-filled story, stuffed with more debauchery than one book should ever contain… then have a look at renown naughty author Diana Quippley’s tale:

  Maple Street MILFs

  Story Three

  Marie could not believe she was finally about to go into the STO High Tech Convention. The convention had been coming her city for many year, but her mother had never allowed her to go. Her other believed did not approve of Marie’s love of science, technology, or books. She preferred that Marie spend her time cheerleading, socializing, and prepping her hair and makeup. So on the outside Marie looked like blonde bombshell popular girl, but she was all geek on the inside. Now that she was graduated from high school and eighteen years old, her mom no longer had such a strong influence over her decisions. Plus, she had a job now and could afford the high priced ticket for the convention herself.

  The day was finally here, and Marie’s stomach fluttered with butterflies as she handed the man at the gate her ticket. The large venue was filled with tons of booths and displays. Lights flashed around the room, noises sprang through the air, and people crowded the place from wall to wall. It was as magnificent as she had hoped. Excitement rippled through her body.

  A nearby booth caught her attention so she went to check it out. It was a display on new small generator that could single handedly power a village on its own.

  “Impressive, huh?” A man’s voice startled her as he spoke from behind.

  “Yes it is.” She turned and saw a very handsome man in his late thirties. He was tall with dark hair and icy blue eyes. Warmth began to heat up her body as she felt herself enticed by his looks.

  “Do you like what you see?” His voice was deep and had a touch of seduction dangling from his tongue with each word.

  “Excuse me?” She was not sure what he meant.

  “Do you like what you see around this convention? There are so many remarkable things here.”

  “Oh, yes. I just got here, but I can’t wait to see it all.” Her eyes stared deep into his for a long moment before she pulled away.

  Marie was not used to being so attracted to a man, especially an older one. She was always shy around guys and had never had a boyfriend. With her awkwardness and strange interest, she had never even had a boyfriend and was still a virgin. Until now she had never really even desired sex, but something about this man made her body yearn for it more than ever.

  “My name is Dr. Vex.” He reached out his hand to her.

  “Marie.” Her hand met his and she couldn’t ignore the arousal his touch brought.

  “Marie, enjoy the convention. Make sure you don’t miss the display in the way back of the room, down past the yellow sign ahead.” He suggested.

  Looking ahead to see the big yellow sign he told her about, she saw it and made a mental note to go where he told her later.

  “Is that your display?” She asked him, but when she turned to face him he was gone. As quick as he had come, he had disappeared, but he didn’t take the arousal with him. Marie was still turned on as she ventured out into the crowd.


  There were many extraordinary booths and people who seemed as into technology as her. It was nice being around others who were as excited to see the displays as her, but even among these similar people she still stood out. Her long blonde hair, luscious curves, and large breast seemed to make her eye-catching no matter where she went.

  Ignoring the stares, she made her way through the convention, booth after booth, and was disappointed when it seemed as though there was nothing left to see. It was then that she remembered Dr. Vex and the display he told her to visit. Finding the big yellow sign, she went past and scanned the area with her eyes for a sign of him or the booth. There was nothing there but an empty space. Let down, she turned around and headed back to the main part of the room. The convention had been great and she did not want it to end. Something made her stop one last time and turn back. A small, bright light flashed quickly. If she would have blinked she would have missed it. She decided to go back towards the light again.

  As she walked back she noticed something where before there was only empty space. This had to be impossible, there was absolutely nothing there before. She had check and it was completely empty, but there was no mistaking the large machine in front of her now. The mysterious machine was unlike anything she had ever seen and almost seemed like a small space ship of some sort, built for only a few people to fit in at once. Someone had done a very good job creating this replica. It must have been a display of a rocket or spacecraft.

  It was very impressive. The door to it was open. No one was around to tell her no, so she stepped inside of it to see how good the inside looked. The inside was just as genuine and real in appearance. Suddenly the door closed behind her and the light inside the machine started flashing rapidly. All at once, the lights stopped flashing, except only one red one in the middle. A lever in front of her had dates and years on them, as though you could choose where to travel by date. It was then that she thought that this seemed like a time machine, but that was insane. There was no such thing as a machine that could tr
avel through time, was there?

  Marie laughed it off. She was such a nerd and too gullible. Someone, perhaps Dr. Ven, was probably on the outside of the machine watching and laughing as she made a fool of herself. Reaching forward, she pushed the red flashing button. With a sudden jerk of motion, she felt the machine feel as though it took off. It wasn’t enough force to make fall, but more like an elevator rising floors. What had she just done? Did she just mess the machine up? There was no way that she had actually just travelled in the machine, but in her stomach she felt an intuition, as though her life would be changed by the push on button.

  A yellow light came in above the door. Marie felt nervous of what might happen when the door opened, but as it did nothing extreme happened immediately. She smiled, feeling silly that she had imagined traveling through time in some replica space-like machine. Stepping out of the machine, she looked around and was confused. The area looked very different. She was not in the same place anymore. Quickly turning back to enter the machine, she began to freak out as the door closed too fast before she could get back in.

  “No!” She started pushing on the door and attempting to re-enter, but it was useless, the machine was closed and there was nothing she could do to open it.

  After giving up on opening the door, she turned around and saw her new surroundings. The floor was some kind of metal, as were the walls and ceiling too. There was a door ahead of her that was closed, but before she went to open it she looked over and saw a huge window. As she walked to the window she couldn’t help but feel anxious, wondering what might she see and how would she deal with it, but she would have never guessed the scene that was laid out before her green eyes.

  Right in front of her, outside of the window, was outer space. It was magical and enchanting, being among the stars and above the Earth, but how was this possible? It was then that she realized that she had somehow been transferred by the machine from the convention on Earth, to this spaceship in space. She should have been scared. Fear should have frozen her body and kept her still, but opposite emotions took over and she was intrigued beyond belief. She had always been fascinated by space, aliens, and other worlds.

  Heading to the door, hoping that what was on the other side would welcome her, she took a chance and opened the door. On the other side was a huge room filled with men and some kind of display going on. To her right was a sign reading “Female Sexuality in 2615”. She was now in the year 2615, six hundred years into the future and had landed right smack into the middle of a convention on the sexuality of female, something of which she did not know much about.


  All of the men were watching a center stage where a man was standing and speaking in a white lab coat. As she looked around the room she noticed how most of the men were in their thirties and very good looking. She was becoming aroused at the thought of exploring her own sexuality.

  “Ah, our subject has just arrived.” She heard the man in the white lab coat say from the center of the stage. “Come on up here Marie.

  The man was no stranger, in fact it was Dr. Vex from the high-tech convention back on Earth. He motioned for her to join him on stage in front of the men in the room. Shyness had always been a trait of hers, but she was no longer at home with people who expected anything from her. She could be anybody she wanted in space, and she wanted to be a sexy, adventurous, and sexual woman. Dr. Vex seemed like just the right person to help her find herself.

  So, with a new curiosity and bravery, she walked past all the men that stared at her eagerly and went up onto stage to the hot doctor.

  “Do you want to help me explore the female sexuality?” Dr. Vex asked her with a seductive grin.

  “Yes.” She answered quickly.

  “You are okay with all the men in this room taking part in your sexuality?” He walked up close to her and ran his finger gently across her cheek. “Are you open to being touched and explored by us?”

  She didn’t need to think, she wanted to be touched by a man so bad she practically threw herself onto the medical table next to him.

  “I want it.” Her voice was more enticing than she had ever spoke before. “I want to be explored by all of you.”

  The handsome doctor reached out and started unbuttoning her blouse. Her shirt quickly fell to the floor, revealing her black lace bra. Soon, her pants were dropped as well, showing the men her matching black panties. The men in the room made a few low noises, as though they were impressed by her voluptuously curved hips, round ass, and large breast that were bulging out from her bra.

  “Up on the table please, Marie.” Dr. Vex told her.

  Marie did as he said, slowly climbing up onto the medical table and lying flat on her back.

  “I need a volunteer.” He called out to the audience. Many men raised their hands, but he pointed to one up front and told him to come up onto the stage with them. “Tim, come on up here.”

  The eager volunteer was almost as hot as Dr. Vex. He had dark blonde waves on top of his head and hazel eyes that looked at Marie as though she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. His obvious desire for her made her body tingle with sensations. She could not wait for him to touch her.

  “Tim, this is Marie. We are going to explore her body, inch by inch, and see what this female likes the most.” The doctor ran his finger up her thigh. “Start at her toes.”

  Dr. Vex picked up a clip board and pen to take notes of Marie’s reactions.

  Tim dropped to his knees in from of the medical table where Marie’s feet were. His warm mouth coated her toes, sucking and lapping them slowly. It felt good, but Marie wondered what his mouth would feel like on other parts of her body.

  “Now her legs.” Dr, Vex directed him as he made a note on his paper.

  A better sensation went through her body as she felt Tim’s tongue lick in swirls up her calf, past her knee, and onto her sensitive thigh. Now she was goring moist. His mouth sucked on the softest part of her thigh, causing her to part her legs for more.

  “Go on Tim, taste her.” Dr. Vex touched his pen onto her panties. “Taste her here.”

  Marie wanted to be tasted, she needed it, and as Tim began pulling her underwear down she was excited to feel a man’s mouth upon her for the first time. She took a quick around the room at all the men watching. They were in awe of her body, begging with their eyes to be next to taste her. It was such a turn on to feel so wanted by so many men.

  A sudden tongue upon her slit brought a loud moan from her lips. Tim’s mouth was fantastic as he circled around her bud and flickered it fast. She had no idea that this would feel so good. It was captivated, being devoured like a delicious meal in front of all the men around her. She began to rotate her hips with the rhythm of his wet tongue as he gripped her hips and licked.

  “Do you like that Marie?” Dr. Vex asked.

  “Yeah.” Her voice was a soft whisper as she was hardly able to speak with such joy going on between her legs.

  “I can’t hear you Marie?” Dr. Vex looked at her with curious eyes.

  “Yes! Oh, yes, it feels good!” She started to climax onto Tim’s tongue, but he didn’t stop. Instead he buried his face deeper between her thighs and probed her with his tongue.

  Even though she was a virgin, Marie had touched herself before, but masturbation had never felt as exhilarating as the orgasm Tim had given her with his skilled mouth. He continued to lick at her onto her legs had trembled all the shakes the climax gave.

  “Do you want more Marie?” Dr. Vex was above her when she opened her eyes. His face only made her wetter below.

  “Yes, please.” She wanted everything they had to give.


  “Another volunteer please!” He called out to the men. “Daveed, come on up here and get to know Marie.”

  Soon a second volunteer was on stage next to her. This man black hair and dark eyes. He was tall and muscular, like a football player would be built back home.

  “Tim, use your fingers while Dav
eed sucks her breast.” Dr. Vex told the men and then shot a smile at Marie. “Let’s see how she likes the two sensations at once.”

  Both men went to work quickly, as Tim began fingering her and Daveed took his lips to her breast. Tim rubbed on finger slowly across her slit before slipping it into her. She was a virgin but the one finger did not stretch her. As Tim slipped another finger into her, she felt herself stretching over them. He probed into her again and again, as Daveed nibbled gently on her nipple. The graze of his teeth was a tease and followed with his whole mouth engulfing her breast. He sucked and kneaded with his hand, as though he were milking her. She loved the feeling of the two men pleasing her at the same time.

  “Does that feel good Marie?” Dr. Vex asked.

  “Yes!” She cried out.

  “More.” Dr. Vex told Tim and Daveed.